Saturday, December 30, 2006

Box of Chocolates?!

Whew! What a week... It has been one full of anticipation of my son Riley's Pre-op appointment on Friday December 29th. In the wait, there was a lot of prayer support. Thank you to all who've been praying and thinking about us. It really means a lot to us, so much so I'm going to be selfish and ask for more as we've entered the thick of it all. I believe one of the greatest things that anyone could ask for in times such as this, is support and love from their "Community"of friends and family.

I've been thinking about soo much lately, and the one thing that i can't seem to shake is the fact that "Life should be savored" Maybe my good friend Tom Hanks was right in Forrest Gump when he said "Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're going to get." Whatever kind of chocolate you get or whatever life deals to you, i'm finding out, it's worth savoring. I never knew that in my box of chocolates or goodies that i would get such and amazing wife, nor did i know that i would be the father of the two greatest gifts in my life, Cameron and Riley!! How
COOL is that!

However there are somethings that come in the same box of those goodies that your not very fond of. Riley's surgery is one of those things that I've gotten. And to be totally honest with you it's a piece of life that I'm not very fond of right now. As SUCKY as it is, it's still a part of my life that i must savor. I can't control the outcome of the surgery, however what i can control is how i choose to savor every sweet moment with him.

There is a lot of life to live in every single one of us, young and old alike. So we should savor it because it comes from the Lord. Psalm 34:8 says to "Taste and see that the LORD is good." What a cool verse to live by.

So to sum it all up here some.....

Final thoughts:

"Take an inventory of your box", what have you passed up on, you know what i'm talking about. We've all opened a box of Sees candies and have gone straight for the familiar candy. What deserves a second look, or a first look.

"Find out what your missing out on" What doesn't look so good on the outside shouldn't discourage you from looking on the inside. A lot of times blessings are disguised.

Lastly...."What are you waiting for?" Don't wait any longer to love people and celebrate your kids and do something for someone other than yourself. The list is eternal you fill in the blank _____________.

Happy New Year!

1 comment:

TK said...

Thanks for sharing these thoughts from your heart. I needed to read something like this tonight. Rod and I will definitely be praying mucho for you guys. I remember the days before Rhett's surgery and I would say "sucky" is an understatement to how I felt.

By the way tell L I love the new look. I'm assuming she either helped you set it up or did it all herself.