Saturday, November 11, 2006

Alone anyone??

Well we're about a month and a half away from our son Riley's surgery, and honestly have to say that i have mixed feeling about it all as we get closer to the day. A part of me is wishing that we had more time and the other part of me just kind of wants to get it over with. Everytime i hold him i pray that God would just heal him so that we don't have to go through all that stuff. I realize though that God has our best interest in mind and that he was in control of all of this.

A good friend of mine reminded me of something a few months ago, we were talking about life and the things that are dealt to us sometimes. He said that "Life is not meant to be done alone" a phrase i've always known and heard so many times. However for some reason this time when i heard it, it clicked. Maybe it was because of our circumstances that we're going through.

I'm a HUGE community guy. I LOVE people, ALL people. I think the worst thing that can ever happen to anybody is to feel joy and sorrow alone. On my wife's blog is the story of our son Riley's journey and ever since it's been up, there has been a flood of support from everywhere, people we've never seen or met, but because they've experienced some similar events in there own lives they're spreading the love and support they've felt from others.

Life is Beautiful and should be shared with everyone. Each and everyone of us has the ability to speak into each others lives and make this place we call earth a better place to live. Yeah we have differences and dislikes but through all of that is the common thread called LOVE.

So here's the walk-away of this post.... Spread LOVE, like it's a fast spreading disease!


Becky said...

Totally right on, Steve

Loretta said...

Steve, you are such a lovable guy. I am certain that people who know you and even people who don't know you and just read your blog are drawn to you. Your love is evident. Like Becky said, you ARE totally right on, Steve. Love is really what is at the essence of our core. It drives us. It bonds us to our families. It makes us strive to better ourselves. You are blessed with many friends and a loving family. We are praying for you. And in your hour of deepest need, we will stand by you and more importantly, God will be your rock. God is love. "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him, should not perish, but have eternal life." Love, Loretta