Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Good to be home...

WHEW!!! We are finally home. Thank you to all who've prayed and continue to pray with us on behalf of our little boy. It truly is an honor to be part of such a loving community. I honestly don't know how a person who lacks community makes it through times like these. I don't think we would've been able to make it through this without you all. I am forever grateful.

This past week was full of crazy emotions. Having friends and family around was very comforting. Receiving emails from people to let you know that they were praying for you was refreshing.

Thanks for loving us!!


TK said...

I loved reading this right after talking to L on the phone about how YOU are the "community" guy.

I'm so glad that week in the hospital is behind you. You must feel so free.

Kara said...

You are very loved. I am constantly humbled by your loving spirit.