Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Family and Friends

Today my nieces arrive to stay with us for about a month. I can't explain to you how refreshing this is going to be for our family. The boys absolutely LOVE them. So this is going to be extra special for them to see familiar faces. Lauren and i haven't been on a date night in a while and we're looking forward to breaking away a few times to just BE with each other.

We've got a lot planned for the girls, we're probably going to drive out to Washington D.C. and New York city to take them site seeing. I really want them to see our new life here and how close we are to some of the coolest places in the United States. But most of all I want them to see God's blessing on our lives here in Raleigh.

Anyhow they arrive today, but a couple of days ago our REALLY good friend Becky from San Diego left to go back home after being with us for about 4 days. We had a blast with her here. We showed her a little bit of lifestyle here in Raleigh. We fed her some of our infamous southern cooking, took her to the farmer's market. We took her to see 2 of the 3 big universities here in Raleigh, and on Sunday attended church at The Summit in Durham and a Super bowl party at Lee and Carla's house with some of our church folk.

Out of all of the things that we got to do, my favorite part was just having a familiar face that we did life with in San Diego in our home. I also loved the fact she values our friendships so much that she would come out to visit us. Yesterday I was looking through some boxes and i found a Christmas card that she wrote to our family. It was one that we received the Christmas before Riley's surgery, and as I read it I was reminded of the power of "community" and why the Philippson's have a special place in my heart.

Gregg, Becky thanks for being such great friends, may God richly bless you guys for blessing others. We love you!


1 comment:

TK said...

So far this year you have seen Becky much more than I have and I live less than 10 minutes away from her. Glad you had some time together and enjoy your upcoming date nights!