Wednesday, October 25, 2006

What matters most...

Last night we had a little scare with our little son Riley and we had to take him to the doctors. For more info on Riley check out my wife's Blog. He has a little bump on his head and it was kind of freaking us out especially because he's going to have surgery soon. So the evening went a little something like this......we get to the hospital about 6:40 p.m. and check in because our appointment is at 7.

When we get there, it's pretty busy so we're thinking that this is probably going to be a couple of hours. Not the case... after we sit in the waiting area for about 15 minutes, Riley’s name gets called and we head back to the room to wait for five more minutes. Finally the doctor comes in and greets us and washes his hands. He then asks why were here to see him and we explain to him our situation, without looking at him or touching him he says that we have nothing to worry about.

I started to get a little frustrated on the inside thinking "dude we just paid 30 freaking dollars for something that the nurse could've told us over the phone" He sad "yeah it's normal for kids in Riley’s situation to have something like that". I was bummed a little and so was my wife. But then I thought to myself as I was buckling my son back into his seat, "what am I complaining about", "what's the big deal" isn't he worth it? How can I be so dumb to let something like 30 bucks bother me about my sons visit. He's o.k. and that should be the only thing that I should be worried about. No matter what the cost, he's worth it.

It reminded me of our staff blitz that we had earlier that afternoon, we had a competition to see who could post up and put out the most flyers around our community for our Family fall festival. There were prizes for the winning teams and so being the competitors that we are, my friend and I went all out. We left our parking lot with tires screeching, cutting people off on the road I mean we were going for it and nothing was going to hold us back.

Enter GOD:

Something came over me and jacked up my emotions. I was delivering some flyers to a smoke shop of all places and as I walked out I felt God saying "Steve, is it about the prizes or is it about the lost lives and the eternities at stake". I don't if you've ever had those moments where GOD slaps you upside the head to wake you up from being so self-centered. That was one of those moments for me.

It's really not about 30 bucks or 300 bucks, it's about a GOD who wants us to love one another, reach out and love lost people. It's about us letting people know that there is something Life-Changing and eternal in LIFE found in HIM. I heard someone say once that "We have never locked eyes with someone who didn't matter to God."

1 comment:

TK said...

Awesome post Steve. I think this one is my favorite of yours.....have I said that before?

Rod always says 30$ for peace of mind.